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[CUBE NEWS] Cube's Q2 Report for 2024

  Cube Intelligence 2024 2Q Progress Hello, this is Cube Intelligence. Here's a look at our results for Q2 2024 Here's an announcement about what happened at Cube Intelligence during the second quarter of 2024. Thank you. April 3 Consultation meeting with 'A' County Office's working-level staff on introducing our company's software. April 4 Meeting with 'B' City Hall on the introduction of the company's system to the five locations April 10 Consultation with the representative of 'C' to reflect the company's system to the new university. April 15 Consultation with the 'D' company's working-level staff to reflect the company's system in the three distribution centers. April 16 Meeting with the 'E' company's working-level staff on the introduction of the company's system to accommodation facilities and apartment sales sites at famous travel destinations. April 22 Consultation with 'F' company's re...

[CUBE NEWS] Cube's September 2020 Monthly Report

[CUBE NEWS] Cube's September 2020 Monthly Report
Hello, this is Cube Intelligence.
We present to you the monthly report of September 2020.
Always be careful with the flu and COVID-19.
September 2
Korean conglomerate ‘A’ visited the Cube office and had a working-level discussion and discussed future cooperation measures.
September 7
United Arab Emirates Company ‘B’ and Korean conglomerate ‘C’ Visited the Cube office and discussed future co-operation measures.
(Cube was specially exempt from the quarantine as it was selected as a top startup by Korean Government)
September 11
Signed MOU with United Arab Emirates ‘B’ – Providing solutions for smart parking facilities in Eastern Europe.
September 15
Global Company ‘D’ Visited Cube Office for Papa Service.
September 18
Korean Midsize Business Company ‘E’ visited Cube Office for Papa IR.
September 25
AI Prototype was selected for ‘F’ City's (Korea) Production Support Project of 2020.


(Below is the same content in Korean.)

안녕하세요 큐브 인텔리전스입니다.
9월 한 달 간 큐브에 있었던 소식들입니다.
즐거운 추석 명절 보내시기 바랍니다.
환절기 독감 및 코로나19를 항상 조심하여 건강에 유의하시기 바랍니다.
9월 2일
한국 대기업 A사 임원진 삼성동 큐브 사무실 방문 및 향후 협력 방안 논의
9월 7일
아랍에미레이트 B사 및 한국 대기업 C사 큐브 사무실 방문 및 향후 협력 방안 논의
(정부 기관 통해 우수 스타트업 코로나 자가격리 특별 면제)
9월 11일
아랍에미레이트 B사와 MOU 체결 – 동유럽 스마트 주차설비 운영 시스템 솔루션 제공
9월 15일
글로벌 D사 파파 서비스 관련 삼성동 사무실 방문
9월 18일
한국 중견기업 E사 삼성동 사무실 방문 및 파파 IR
9월 25일
한국 지방자치 F시 2020 년 AI 시제품 제작지원 사업 선정
