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[CUBE NEWS] Cube's Q2 Report for 2024

  Cube Intelligence 2024 2Q Progress Hello, this is Cube Intelligence. Here's a look at our results for Q2 2024 Here's an announcement about what happened at Cube Intelligence during the second quarter of 2024. Thank you. April 3 Consultation meeting with 'A' County Office's working-level staff on introducing our company's software. April 4 Meeting with 'B' City Hall on the introduction of the company's system to the five locations April 10 Consultation with the representative of 'C' to reflect the company's system to the new university. April 15 Consultation with the 'D' company's working-level staff to reflect the company's system in the three distribution centers. April 16 Meeting with the 'E' company's working-level staff on the introduction of the company's system to accommodation facilities and apartment sales sites at famous travel destinations. April 22 Consultation with 'F' company's re...

[CUBE NEWS] Cube's Q3 Report for 2022


Cube Intelligence 2022 3Q Progress
Hello, this is Cube Intelligence.
We present to you the 3Q report for 2022.
July 13
Meeting with the 'A' company representative and the cooperation plan between the two companies.
July 14
Discussion of agency conditions and business status with the representative of the 'B' company.
July 28
Meeting with Company 'C' executives conducting meetings on cooperation with public institutions.
August 16
Consultation on cooperative projects with manufacturer 'D'.
August 26
A cooperative meeting on development with the representative of the 'E' company.
August 26
Meeting with 'F' Development Corporation regarding the introduction of our system.
September 5
Meeting with 'G' executives about purchasing.
September 13
Discussion of test bed schedule with 'H' executives.
September 19
Consultation is conducted with the company 'I' representative on the smart business consortium of local governments.
September 20
System design meeting with 'J' executives.
September 26
A cooperative meeting on development with the representative of 'K' company.
September 28
Meeting with the representative of 'L' company about the project.

(Below is the same content in Korean.)

안녕하세요, 큐브 인텔리전스 입니다.
2022년 3분기동안 큐브 인텔리전스에서 진행된 일들에 대해 공지드립니다.
7월 13일
'A'사 대표와 양사간 협력 방안 미팅
7월 14일
'B'사 대표와 대리점 조건 및 영업현황 협의
7월 28일
'C'사 임원과 공공기관 협력 관련 미팅
8월 16일
제조사 'D'사와 협력사업 협의
8월 26일
'E'사 대표와 개발 관련 협력 미팅
8월 26일
'F' 개발공사와 당사 시스템 도입 관련 미팅
9월 5일
'G'사 임원과 구매 관련 미팅
9월 13일
'H'사 임원과 테스트 베드 일정협의
9월 19일
'I'사 대표와 지방자치시 스마트사업 컨소시엄 협의
9월 20일
'J'사 임원과 시스템 설계 미팅
9월 26일
'K'사 대표와 개발 관련 협력 미팅
9월 28일
'L'사 대표와 프로젝트 관련 미팅

